Tuesday 14 November 2017


                                   INTRODUCTION TO NATURAL RESOURCES
Ever since the earth was inhabited, humans and other life forms have depended on things that exist freely in nature to survive. These things include water (seas and fresh water), land, soils, rocks, forests (vegetation), animals (including fish), fossil fuels and minerals. They are called Natural Resources and are the basis of life on earth.

All these mentioned above are natural, and they exist in nature. No human created them. We tap into their supply to survive and also to function properly. Natural resources are all connected in a way. Therefore if one is taken away, it will affect the supply or quality of all others. For example, if water is eliminated from an area, the vegetation, soils, animals and even the air in that area will be affected negatively.

Below is a simple illustration of some great things that we get from some natural resources.
Natural resources can be consumed directly or indirectly. For instance, humans depend directly on forests for food, biomass, health, recreation and increased living comfort. Indirectly forests act as climate control, flood control, storm protection and nutrient cycling.
Raw materials
Sometimes, natural resources can be used as raw materials to produce something. For instance, we can use a tree from the forest to produce timber. The timber is then used to produce wood for furniture or pulp for paper and paper products. In this scenario, the tree is the raw material.
Every item in your home was made from a raw material that came from a natural resource. The tea mug, electricity at home, bread, clothes, you name them: each of them came from a natural resource.
Natural resources come in many forms. It may be a solid, liquid or gas. It may also be organic or inorganic. It may also be metallic or non-metallic. It may be renewable or non-renewable. With 7 billion people on the planet – theoretically from today – there will be an inevitable increase in the demand on the world's natural resources. Here are six already under severe pressure from current rates of consumption:

1. Water
Freshwater only makes 2.5% of the total volume of the world's water, which is about 35 million km3. But considering 70% of that freshwater is in the form of ice and permanent snow cover and that we only have access to 200,000km3 of freshwater overall, it isn't surprising that demand for water could soon exceed supply. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations is predicting that by 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity.

This has the largest reserves left of all the fossil fuels, but as China and other developing countries continue to increase their appetite for coal, demand could finally outstrip supply. As it is, we have enough coal to meet 188 years of global production.
Coal is also the major source of air pollutant in the world so there is much discussion about regulating its usage. The problem is it is one of the cheapest sources of fuel for industrial applications.
Resultado de imagen para coal

Without this element, plants cannot grow. Essential for fertiliser, phosphate rock is only found in a handful of countries, including the US, China and Morocco. With the need to feed 7 billion people, scientists from the Global Phosphorus Research Initiative predict we could run out of phosphorus in 50 to 100 years unless new reserves of the element are found.

Scandium and terbium are just two of the 17 rare earth minerals that are used in everything from the powerful magnets in wind turbines to the electronic circuits in smartphones. The elements are not as rare as their name suggests but currently 97% of the world's supply comes from China and they can restrict supplies at will. Exact reserves are not known.


Natural gas reserves are doing only slightly better than oil, it is estimated that there is enough to last for 60 years. Gas is a much cleaner fuel source than oil, which has led to an increased level of consumption of it as an alternative fuel, but it still stands to run out quickly.

Another important natural resource is soil. Soil is composed of many different particles and nutrients in the soil helps plants grow. Apart from this, soil can also be used to provide shelter. A pile of garbage along with some soil when placed in worm compost bin, creates nutrient rich soil that helps in growth of plants and makes them healthy.

Iron is also in limited supply. It is made from elements such as silica which then have to be heated to create the pig iron that industrialization depends on. Iron was the most important natural resource on earth during ancient ages. It allowed people at that time to build stronger weapons, better transportation and taller buildings. Both iron and steel are still used in modern day industries.

8. Oil
The fear of reaching peak oil continues to haunt the oil industry. The BP Statistical Review of World Energy in June measured total global oil at 188.8 million tonnes, from proved oil resources .This is only enough to oil for the next 46.2 years, should global production remain at the current rate.

9. AIR

Clean air is necessary for the existence of life on this planet. It is essential for the existence of plants, animals and wildlife. It is important to reduce air pollution as polluted air degrades the environment and can enter our body and can cause health related problems. There are number of ways to keep the air clean and reduce air pollution like riding bus instead of using your own vehicle, carpooling etc. Read here more about causes and effects of air pollution.
Other minerals like gypsum, bauxite, phosphate, bentonite, mica, titanium, zirconium are found in sea beds along the coastal plains. Rare earth elements like scandium and terbium are two of the earth powerful minerals that are used in wind turbines and electronic circuits in smartphones. Coastal plains contains deposits of potassium carbonate and rare elements like cerium and neodymium.
The air we breathe and the light we get from the sun are available in unlimited quantity. But what about coal, forest, and petroleum? The stock of these resources is limited. The quantity of these resources is depleting day by day. Resources Natural Artificial (e.g. electricity) Exhaustible Inexhaustible (e.g. solar energy, wind, rainfall, tidal energy) Renewable Non-renewable (e.g. wind, water, forests) (e.g. coal, petroleum, iron, biological species) l Inexhaustible Resources The resources which cannot be exhausted by human consumption and other uses, are called inexhaustible resources. These include energy sources like solar radiation, wind power, water power (flowing streams) and tidal power, and substances like sand, clay, air, water in oceans, etc. l Exhaustible Resources On the other hand, there are some resources, which are available in limited quantities and are going to be exhausted as a result of continuous  use. These are called exhaustible resources. For example, the stock of coal in the earth is limited and one day there will be no more coal available for our use. Petroleum is another important exhaustible resource.  Renewable Resources Some of the exhaustible resources are naturally regenerated after consumption and are known as renewable resources. e.g. The living beings (both animals and plants) reproduce and can thus, replace the dying or killed individuals. However, if the consumption of these resources exceeds the rate of regeneration they may also get totally exhausted. Some examples are fresh water, fertile soil, forest (yielding wood and other products), vegetation, wildlife, etc.

                                              Earth Natural Resources
                                              ACTIVITY: Read the information provided in the article and complete                                                  with important facts of each Earth natural resources by clicking the link
                                              what follows..

                                             ACTIVITY FOR STUDENTS

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Environmental Issues

This entry is about the different environmental issues that the world is experiencing currently.
It is undeniable that our environment is constantly changing because of different factors that have increased the environmental problems that affect tremendiusly th different ecosystems such as rivers, oceans, lands, forests, where different living things live and become endangered and in most of the cases, they become extinct as well.
Environmental issues can be classified  in two ways: The ones caused by the human beings and the others caused by the nature. So it is demanding to become inscreasingly aware of the issues that surround us. Now the big questions is : How to raise awareness in the humankind to reduce the environmental issues. Is it just a task that authorities need to be concerned about? or is it a task everybody has to tackle it?
Let's focus on one type of environmental issues:

Environmenntal issues caused by humanity.
Nowadays we know that humans are destroying the Earth in different ways. Using fossil fuels, polluting the environment with smoke of the cars, noise, water pollution. Let's start with campaigns , leaflets to inform people and raise their awareness putting into practice the four Rs: Respect, reduce, recycle and reuse.
It is also true that our world has advanced a lot in technology, but at the same time it is causing serious damage to the Earth for not using it responsibly. Machines that require lots of energy consumption.
Computers used by people that demands hours to perform different tasks that also pollute the environment.

Threatened species: The destruction and pollution of the habitat of a certain animal is the main reason, sometimes this involves building houses, hunting, exploding some resources in the area, or destroying the area in order to make new roads, this increases the risk of death in the animals who live there.

Pollution: Pollution is one of the biggest problem among the environment since humans are the ones that contribute to it by throwing wastes of different kinds, causing the modification of the ecosystem unabling th habitats for the living things. It also affects  the food chains.
Pollution can be seen in laksr, land, rivers, oceans, factories do not care about harming the environment.
Something urgent must be done to stop this destruction to our environment. ONU and different green oraganizations should work together to reduce the negative effects.

Deforestation: It's the total destruction of rainforests in order to use the area and what's in it, for the human benefit.

Gobal Issues for the nature
Global Warming issues:

Global warming .-
It has become undoubtedly a fact about our current livelihoods; our planet is warming up and definitely, we are part of the problem. However, this isn’t the only environmental problem that we should be concerned about. All over the world, people are facing a wealth of new and challenging environmental problems every day. Some of them are small and only affect a few ecosystems, but others are drastically changing the landscape of what we already know.
It´s  the absence of water which causes the death of living things.
Floods: It's when an area that is usually dry, suddenly gets under water or submerged, and it has a lot of consequences because it basically drags everything that it's on the way, leading to material loss and also death.
Climate change: It happens by the increase of the temperature in the atmosphere leading to different consequences such as melting polar ice, rising sea levels, and also the variations  on thw weather.


Pollution: Pollution of air, water and soil require millions of years to recoup. Industry and motor vehicle exhaust are the number one pollutants. Heavy metals, nitrates and plastic are toxins responsible for pollution. While water pollution is caused by oil spill, acid rain, urban runoff; air pollution is caused by various gases and toxins released by industries and factories and combustion of fossil fuels; soil pollution is majorly caused by industrial waste that deprives soil from essential nutrients.

In addition to this, we should also take into account the issues caused by the nature: natural disasters such floods, climate change, acid rain. They also are a consequence of the human actions.

To conclude, we should think that we have the solution in our hands and it is time to act to solve these environmental problems that are killing the humans and destroying the natural resources.
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